93.7 K-Country Recognizes DJ’s for 30 Years On-Air

On January 24th, North Central Florida Media (NCFM) recognized two of its on-air personalities for 30 years of service with WOGK 93.7 K-Country.

Lewis Stokes and Rick “Big Red” Brooks received crystal awards from President/General Manager Howard Tuuri during the quarterly staff luncheon attended by all employees at the NOMA Black Box Theatre in the Reilly Arts Center.

NCFM President and General Manager Howard Tuuri (center) presents Lewis Stokes (left) and Big Red (right) with crystal awards commemorating 30 years of on-air service with 93.7 K-Country.

“I recognize the rarity of such a milestone for a radio DJ to remain employed with the same radio station for 30 years,” said Tuuri. “The fact that we are celebrating two employees achieving this anniversary is a testament to the legacy of K-Country.”

Lewis Stokes is the production director mid-day host on K-Country. Big Red is the music director and afternoon host on K-Country.


North Central Florida Media, owned by Saga Communications, operates two of the top-performing radio stations in Gainesville/Ocala; Iconic Rock station Wind-FM (WYND 92.5/95.5), Country station K-Country (WOGK 93.7), and 352today.com. NCFM provides customized marketing solutions that leverage on-air, online and on-site assets that deliver substantial results for local businesses.